Yoga Workshops for Children
When we start practicing yoga since our early childhood, not because are asked to, but because we like to imitate what our parents love to do, we are enormously benefitted. First thing, a habit that creates joyfulness is established, a habit that enhances the ability of concentration (prerequisite for successful human beings) and endless ideas for creativity and solution finding.

Yoga asanas are ideal for young children because they present all values that derive from nature as well as human qualities. Children approach a humanistic philosophy of life without any effort or need of teaching, only by imitation, because they recognize in the postures some spiritual qualities they already have, as they are very close to this dimension - if we do not intervene to make them quickly forget.

Co-ordinated by Sofia Foteina-Chatzikokoli

Meetings three Saturdays per month from 17:00 to 18:00
05/11/22, 12/11/22, 26/11/22, 03/12/22, 10/12/22, 07/01/23, 28/01/23, 04/03/23, 11/03/23, 01/04/23, 15/04/23, 22/04/23, 29/04/23, 06/05/23, 20/05/23, 27/05/23, 17/06/23, 24/06/23

Suggested donation: 30 euro/month or 10 euro per meeting

When we start practicing yoga during our childhood we get great benefits.
We establish a habit that brings happiness, enhances memory and the ability of concentration.
The yoga practices are close to children’s mentality, because they imitate nature, animals and human qualities.

The workshops are adjusted to their age and we do not focus on their accomplishments but to their joyfulness and their cooperation for the common good. Yoga does not mean only the practice of the body, but is a way of life. It reinforces moral values and collectivity, because Yoga means to unite.

We notice that children become more creative, young inventors, as time goes by. They feel that they belong to a group-family-hug.

Children who participated in our yoga workshop during the International Yoga Day celebration on the 21st of June 2017, after cleaning the seaside of Skinias beach, composed the words of a song they created on the spot, naming themselves "the children of Yoga Hug".

Co-ordinated by Sofia Foteina-Chatzikokoli

Meetings three Saturdays per month from 11:30 to 13:00
05/11/22, 12/11/22, 26/11/22, 03/12/22, 10/12/22, 07/01/23, 28/01/23, 04/03/23, 11/03/23, 01/04/23, 15/04/23, 22/04/23, 29/04/23, 06/05/23, 20/05/23, 27/05/23, 17/06/23, 24/06/23

Suggested donation: 30 euro/month or 10 euro per meeting

Co-ordinated by Sofia Foteina-Chatzikokoli

Meetings three Saturdays per month from 10:00 to 11:30
05/11/22, 12/11/22, 26/11/22, 03/12/22, 10/12/22, 07/01/23, 28/01/23, 04/03/23, 11/03/23, 01/04/23, 15/04/23, 22/04/23, 29/04/23, 06/05/23, 20/05/23, 27/05/23, 17/06/23, 24/06/23

Suggested donation: 30 euro/month or 10 euro per meeting